6 research outputs found

    Estudio etnográfico del tratamiento del accidente ofídico en el municipio de San Luis, departamento de Antioquia, percepciones y creencias de la comunidad

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    El accidente ofídico en Colombia es considerado un problema de salud pública, intensificándose aún más en el caso de los municipios de carácter rural de tierras bajas. Siguiendo la línea de investigaciones recientes en el departamento de Antioquia (aquel con mayor accidentalidad), el presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal, estudiar e indagar acerca de las técnicas y efectividad del tratamiento tradicional del accidente ofídico, mediante un estudio descriptivo de tipo etnográfico, con instrumentos básicos como encuestas, entrevistas y observación directa no participativa. La realización de este estudio permitió establecer una lista tanto de las especies vegetales utilizadas, como sus partes, aplicación y una referencia de las serpientes de la zona, mostrando además una serie de perspectivas acerca de las construcciones simbólicas (creencias y rituales) que practican los pobladores del municipio de San Luis respecto al accidente ofídico.The snake bite in Colombia is considered a public health issue, intensified even more in the rural municipalities of lowlands. Following the recent lines of investigation in the Antioquia department (with the highest snake bite rates), the main purpose of the present work was to study and investigate about the traditional techniques and its effectiveness in snake bite treatment throughout the implementation of a descriptive ethnographic study with basic instruments like interviews, surveys and direct observation with the community. With this study, a list of traditional plants species was obtained, with the parts, implementation and a reference of snakes of the area, also showing a series of perspectives about symbolic constructions (beliefs and rituals) practised by San Luis community about snake envenoming.Ecólogo (a)Pregrad

    Snake antivenoms: adverse reactions and production technology

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    Antivenoms have been widely used for more than a century for treating snakebites and other accidents with poisonous animals. Despite their efficacy, the use of heterologous antivenoms involves the possibility of adverse reactions due to activation of the immune system. In this paper, alternatives for antivenom production already in use were evaluated in light of their ability to minimize the occurrence of adverse reactions. These effects were classified according to their molecular mechanism as: anaphylactic reactions mediated by IgE, anaphylactoid reactions caused by complement system activation, and pyrogenic reactions produced mainly by the presence of endotoxins in the final product. In the future, antivenoms may be replaced by humanized antibodies, specific neutralizing compounds or vaccination. Meanwhile, improvements in antivenom quality will be focused on the obtainment of a more purified and specific product in compliance with good manufacturing practices and at an affordable cost

    Efecto inhibitorio de extractos de Renealmia alpinia Rottb. Maas (Zingiberaceae) sobre el veneno de Bothrops asper (mapaná)

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    Introduction. Traditional medicine is an invaluable source of research into new medicines as asupplement for the treatment of snakebite, considered as a serious public health problem worldwide.The extracts of the medicinal plant, Renealmia alpina, have been used traditionally by indigenouspeople of Chocó (Colombia) against Bothrops asper snakebite, a snake responsible for the majority ofsnakebite accidents in Colombia.Objective. The ability of extracts of R. alpinia leaves was tested for its ability to neutralize thehemorrhagic, coagulant and proteolytic effects of the snakebite venom of B. asper.Materials and methods. The acute toxicity tests and analgesic activity of R. alpina were evaluated in vivo. In addition, tests were undertaken in in vitro conditions to demonstrate inhibition of coagulant,haemolytic and proteolytic activity of the B. asper venom.Results. Renealmia alpinia extracts had no toxic effects in experimental animals and also providedanalgesic and antiophidian effects and protection against the lethal effects of the venom of B. asper.Conclusion. Renealmia. alpinia was an effective therapeutic alternative in association with antivenomtreatment in the event of a B. asper snakebite accident. It was demonstrated to protect against thelethal effects and provided analgesic properties as well. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v32i3.591Introducción. La medicina tradicional es una invaluable fuente de investigación de nuevos remedioscomo complemento para el tratamiento del accidente ofídico, considerado como un grave problema desalud pública a nivel mundial.Objetivo. Este trabajo de investigación pretende comprobar la capacidad de neutralizar los efectoshemorrágicos, coagulantes y proteolíticos, de los extractos de hojas de Renealmia alpinia, usadatradicionalmente por los indígenas del Chocó (Colombia) contra la mordedura de la serpiente Bothropsasper, causante de la gran mayoría de los accidentes ofídicos en nuestro país.Materiales y métodos. Se llevaron a cabo ensayos de toxicidad aguda y de actividad analgésica in vivo de R. alpinia. Además, se hicieron ensayos in vitro sobre inhibición de las actividades coagulante,hemolítica y proteolítica del veneno de Resultados. El presente estudio demuestra que R. alpinia no produce efectos tóxicos en animales deexperimentación; además, presenta efectos analgésicos in vivo y antiofídicos in vitro, y protege contralos efectos letales del veneno de B. asper, in vivo.Conclusión. Renealmia alpinia puede ser una buena alternativa terapéutica como complemento altratamiento con antiveneno en el accidente ofídico, por sus efectos analgésicos y antiofídicos.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v32i3.591

    Evaluación de la reducción en las lesiones inducidas por una fosfolipasa del veneno de Bothrops atrox mediante el tratamiento con el extracto de Bixa orellana y una fracción de Swietenia macrophylla en un modelo murino

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    RESUMEN: En Colombia, el 97% de los accidentes ofídicos son ocasionados por serpientes de la familia Viperidae, siendo el más común el Bothrópico, donde las víboras conocidas como mapaná, X o taya (Bothrops asper y Bothrops atrox) son las causantes de hasta el 70% del total de accidentes. Sus venenos producen efectos locales de rápida instalación y efectos sistémicos severos que generan secuelas como amputaciones, pérdida de masa muscular o dificultades motoras entre el 6 a 10% de los pacientes afectados. Si bien, el antiveneno es el único tratamiento efectivo para estos accidentes, se sabe de su capacidad limitada para neutralizar los efectos locales del veneno que son ocasionados por toxinas de rápida acción; entre ellas las Fosfolipasas A2 (PLA2) que producen mionecrosis local. Por esta razón, diversos autores han planteado estudios con terapias adyuvantes que neutralicen o inhiban estos componentes y de esta forma se reduzcan los efectos locales y sus secuelas. Debido a que las plantas ofrecen gran cantidad de compuestos con potencial farmacológico, se han realizado estudios experimentales en varias partes del mundo que evalúan la actividad anti-ofídica de estas, tanto en las que se utilizan en la medicina tradicional como terapia en dichos envenenamientos, o en las que tienen actividades biológicas que se han relacionado con su potencial antiofídico. A partir de dichos estudios, se encontró que el extracto de hojas de Bixa orellana (Achiote) y la fracción Sm13-26 del extracto de hojas de Swietenia macrophylla (Árbol de la caoba) redujeron los efectos tóxicos in vitro e in vivo del veneno completo de B. asper/atrox y la fracción Sm13-26 también redujo el efecto de las PLA2s miotóxicas, no obstante la toxicidad de esta fracción no se ha dilucidado completamente. En esta investigación se evaluó la toxicidad aguda oral de la fracción Sm13-26

    A meta-analysis of the human uses of pteridophytic species in Tennessee

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    Pteridophytes are an ancient lineage of plants, composed of ferns and fern allies, which are spread across the globe. There is also a long record of humans using pteridophytes to their benefit, which includes the broad categories of medicine, ornamentation, food, phytoremediation, and agriculture. Understanding these concepts, the goal of this thesis was to conduct a meta-analysis which pulled together data from many resources on the 94 Tennessee pteridophyte species to create a repository of human use information, as well as to examine, analyze, and comment on the trends present within and between taxonomic groups of pteridophytes. The methods used were meta-analytic, which included identifying appropriate databases and search strings, determining relevance of sources, and organizing and analyzing raw data from those sources. The results section taxonomically describes reported human uses to highlight trends across taxa. The broad results are that 29 Tennessee pteridophyte genera had reported human use, while 13 genera did not. Furthermore, the human use categories with most to least reported use are medicinal (593 uses), ornamental (125 uses), food (83 uses), phytoremediation (72 uses), and agricultural (63 uses). Tennessee pteridophyte species have been shown to offer many human benefits, so this thesis brings greater awareness to scientific researchers and the public about the wealth of resources pteridophytes can provide. The appendix to this thesis is organized taxonomically and includes a note about every relevant human use from all the sources examined

    Protection By Mikania Laevigata (guaco) Extract Against The Toxicity Of Philodryas Olfersii Snake Venom

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    Philodryas olfersii is responsible for most colubrid snakebites in Brazil. In this work, we examined the ability of an ethanolic extract from Mikania laevigata (guaco) leaves to protect against the in vitro neuromuscular activity of P. olfersii venom in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) and chick biventer cervicis (BC) preparations. M. laevigata extract caused moderate twitch-tension facilitation at low concentrations (107.4 ± 6.2% with 20 μl/ml and 118.9 ± 9.3% with 40 μl/ml in PND, and 120.7 ± 7.7% with 40 μl/ml and 114.5 ± 4.4% with 50 μl/ml in BC after 120 min; n = 4-6, mean ± SEM). In PND, the ethanol alone (40 μl/ml, n = 4) did not change the twitch-tension when compared with control. However, in BC, the ethanol produced a higher facilitation when compared to control. At higher concentrations (>50 μl/ml) the extract caused total and reversible blockade in both preparations. Venom (50 μg/ml) caused partial blockade in PND (58.5 ± 12%, n = 4) and almost total blockade in BC (93.5 ± 2.2%, n = 4). Pretreatment of the preparations with extract (40 μl/ml) for 30 min before incubation with venom (50 μg/ml) completely protected PND from neuromuscular blockade and delayed the blockade in BC. The extract alone caused only mild morphological alterations (12.5 ± 0.5% and 10.9 ± 2.3% fiber damage in PND and BC, respectively, compared to 2.3 ± 0.3% and 3 ± 0 in controls; n = 3), with no increase in expression of the inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IFNγ. The ethanol alone also caused slight muscle damage: 4.3 ± 2.4% in PND and 6.7 ± 3.3% in BC (both n = 3) and little or no TNFα and IFNγ expression in both preparations as observed in control. Venom (50 μg/ml) caused 53.5 ± 8.5% and 55.8 ± 4.3% fiber damage in PND and BC, respectively; (n = 3, p < 0.05 vs. controls) and enhanced expression of TNFα and IFNγ. Pretreatment of the preparations with extract protected against venom-induced muscle damage by 80.3 and 60.4 in PND and BC, respectively, and prevented TNFα and IFNγ expression. These results indicate that the M. laevigata extract protected nerve-muscle preparations against the myotoxic, neurotoxic and inflammatory effects of P. olfersii venom. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.604614622Abbas, A.K., Lichtman, A.H., (2005) Imunologia Celular e Molecular, , Elsevier, Rio de JaneiroAbreu, V.A., Dal-Belo, C.A., Hernandes-Oliveira, S.S., Borja-Oliveira, C.R., Hyslop, S., Furtado, M.F., Rodrigues-Simioni, L., Neuromuscular and phospholipase activities of venoms from three subspecies of Bothrops neuwiedi (B. n. goyazensis, B. n. paranaensis and B. n. diporus) (2007) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. 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